Saturday, March 15, 2014

Why I eat clean!

clean eating, fit mom, healthy mom, clean eating menu plan, get fit

I love all the foods that I should hate: pizza, fried chicken, cookies, any kind of bread and cheese., cake etc. Unfortunately, for me, when it comes to getting in shape and losing weight these food are on the " DON'T DO IT" list.  Eating clean is the way to go...and I have learned this the hard way. I was a tad bit skeptical at first but decided to give it a whirl. I have been doing the clean eating "thing" for about 4 months now with a relapse here and there. When I am eating right and and then sneak a cookie or a slice of pizza in, I call it a relapse. It may sound extreme but it is technically a relapse...I eat that slice of pizza and instantly feel bad, knowing that I am doing something bad for me. After the deed has been done I am in pain and sick. Taking that first bite of pizza is a-mazing, but then my stomach pays the price for it and I am feeling awful the rest of the day. With that being said here are some additional reason why I have decided to eat strictly a clean diet.

1) Energy, Energy, Energy!!! 
I am not a doctor so please verify this info with a professional...but from my research eating a clean diet boost your iron and vitamin B complex, which regulates your blood sugar. Eating processed carbohydrates ups your blood sugar which makes you feel tired and yucky! 
2)Less sick days!!! woot woot 
Veggies are loaded with vitamins!! Vitamin A is a nice vitamin that keeps your vision and immunity healthy!
3) Kicks the monster cancers BUTT! 

According to a study by Colorado State University Extension, the enemy (saturated fat...ew!) such as processed meat and fried foods increase cancer risk!! Luckily a clean diet full of fruits and veggies, boosts your intake of phytonutrients and antioxidants, which..... fight cancer growth WOO HOO!!!

Clean Eating Basics 

  • Limit Processed foods
  • Eat your fruits and vegetables 
  • Say good bye to:
    • saturated fats: butter, cheese, fatty meats
    • alcohol
    • white sugar and flour
    • refined grains
    • less sugar ( bye bye Dr. Pepper and sweet tea)
  • Say hello to:
    • Good Fats:olive oil, fish
    • whole grains

Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Welcome everyone!! I started this blog to track my by body transformation as I try to get FIT. I have lost myself in work, school, parenthood. I am unhealthy physically and on the path of transforming my mind and body. Exciting and scary. My first step was ordering a Beach Body Challenge!